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Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 If you plan to rent or rent an apartment that you own, you may have ever wondered if it is mandatory to take out insurance for the house for rent; and, if so, who should do it, the landlord or the tenant. The answer is not simple but what is clear is that, by renting or renting, you are not obliged to take out home insurance. What is no longer so clear is that it is a good idea not to. We tell you why and we also explain who should sign it, whether landlord or tenant.

The landlord is the one interested in protecting the continent, that is, the floor. The content, what is inside the apartment, should be concerned both landlord and tenant

Whose liability is in a rented home?

If we take into account the other great coverage of home insurance, which is third party liability, it is obvious that the landlord would do well to look for damages that the house may cause, as in the case of the famous leak that ends leaking to the neighbor below. Since the house is yours, the responsibility to repair the damage to the neighbor will be yours. However, watch out for the tenant, because he can also commit acts that cause damage to third parties, and will not necessarily be included in the policy that the landlord contracts. For example, a tenant's negligence could cause a fire, for which he would logically be responsible. If you are a tenant and you like to be calm thinking that any damage you cause will not weigh you down, then you should think about hiring specific insurance that covers civil liability.

Home insurance includes specific coverage for rent such as non-payment of monthly payments or vandalism caused by tenants

Landlord and tenant must insure in rental housing

One of the main coverage of home insurance is the integrity of it. The insurer undertakes to compensate if something happens that generates a cost. Taking this into account and given that the person responsible and interested in keeping the home in good condition is the landlord, it is he who should take out home insurance to protect the building itself, that is, what is usually called the continent or property. In the case of content, what is inside the house, things are not so clear.

n the first place, among the contents of the house there may be many things that belong to the landlord: the kitchen, for example. But it is also logical to think that the tenant has things (for example, a television or a computer). It is advisable, therefore, that everyone looks for their own and has their own home insurance. We are talking about insurance that protects damage to that content but also, of course, theft.

Specific coverage for rent in home insurance

Finally, do not forget the coverage's offered by many home insurance that is specific to the rental. The landlord, for example, can ensure the payment of the monthly payments, in order to avoid surprises. Likewise, you can also ensure vandalism damage to the house, especially its contents; In this way, you protect yourself against the eventuality of having a tenant who is not very careful with the house and cover the costs of repairing it and putting it in order when you have left.

In fact, if we think about cases of conflict between the landlord and the tenant, it will not hurt both of them to have acquired good legal defense coverage.


 Have you been lucky enough to find the rental you were looking for? Congratulations; Now, in addition to going crazy organizing the move and other issues, you will have to negotiate the conditions of the rental contract with your landlord: whether electricity and water are included or not, whether a month or more of deposit and all that move.

Well, among the many issues that are addressed in a rental agreement, one of those that you should keep in mind is whether your landlord has home insurance, which is independent of the renter's insurance. And if so, if this is only to cover what we call the continent (that is, the structure of the house, water and electricity pipes, elements fixed to the facade ...), as is usual, or if it also includes the content (everything in the house: furniture, appliances, jewelry, computer equipment, trousseau, etc.).

In this case, it is important that you seriously value, at a minimum, hiring a renter's insurance that provides coverage for your liability against third parties, for the damages that you could cause them. For example, if one day, demonstrating your skills as a Michelin star cook, you set fire to the kitchen, and this causes damage to your neighbor's home, even if your landlord has his insurance, as you are responsible, you could face the payment of the damages caused.

On the other hand, it does not hurt that if the landlord leaves any type of property in the home (furniture, electrical appliances, power strips, etc.), these are duly reflected in the rental contract. With this, you can avoid many headaches in the future, in the event of an incident that causes harm to other people

As we said, normally the owner's insurance will only cover the structural elements of the house, giving the tenant freedom to subscribe to a tenant's insurance that covers their assets and their responsibility regarding the damages that they may cause to third parties.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 Some people think that saving is something for the rich; that, however, would mean that the USA is a country that is literally full of millionaires. In our country, 8.2 million people save through insurance, to which must be added the 7.5 million who have opened a pension plan. Is this enough savings?

As to establish a sufficiency or insufficiency it is always necessary to compare with something, we have proposed to see what our neighbors are doing, that is to say, other Europeans. Do we save more or less than them?

The first answer we can give you is the Galician one: the truth is, we save more than some Europeans, and less than others. The problem is that, in general, those Europeans who save more than us are those Europeans whom we, for the most part, want to resemble.

 Denmark, Switzerland and, Netherlands,  at the head of savings

Think about this: the flow of savings that Swiss households make, or that someone (usually, their employer) accumulates in their favor, is equivalent to 19% of all the income of that household or family. The Swiss, who leads the European ranking in this, save practically one out of every five euros they earn. But, that 19%, with what does it compare in Spain? Well, with 2%, which is our own ratio. So we strive to save nine times less than they do.

The Swiss top the European savings ranking: they save 1 out of every 5 euros they earn

On the European podium, together with Switzerland, we find the Netherlands, a silver medalist with a ratio of 16%; In other words, Dutch families stop spending in the present, in order to be able to spend it in the future, 16% of their income. The bronze medal goes to Denmark, with 11%. Olympic diplomas are for countries like the United Kingdom (11%), Sweden (9%), or Norway (7%). You must remember that all these percentages are compared to 2% in Spain.

European families save 2% of their income for retirement

It is evident that to reach some of these levels, things would have to turn around rather than change. For example, assuming that those who save are basically those who have income, that is, work, to emulate the Swiss, each employed person in Spain should save 6,400 euros a year on what they are already saving. A fortune, the truth, which would be 5,300 euros to emulate the Dutch, or 3,400 in the case of the Danes. But let's not kidnap each other. The differential with Germany is 953 euros per employed person and year, and that is 79 euros per month, two and a half euros a day. We are therefore two and a half euros from being German and, better still, 85 cents from being French. Equating us with France, then, would not cost us even a daily coffee. Everything is putting on.

If you want to start saving and you don't know-how, you could stop by our section Save a Lots of Life where, with four simple questions, we will guide you on which savings insurance is best suited to your needs.



 Liability insurance is the most common of insurance. In fact, there are many insurance coverages for the house, car, health, etc. that protect civil liability. This insurance is translated as the one that protects you against damages that you may cause to third parties.

There are some types of liability insurance. These are five questions that can help you know if you need specific liability insurance.

Here we go!

1. Do you drive?

If you drive, it is mandatory that you have liability insurance. The commonly called "third party insurance" is this insurance and you must contract it in a mandatory way so that, in the event of causing an accident, even involuntarily, you can take charge, through your insurance, of the damages that occur. If you don't drive, you get rid of insurance and you need a good friend to take you everywhere.

If you have a vehicle, you have to take out liability insurance

2. Do you live for rent or do you own a house?

This one has a trap. Actually, it does not matter if you live in rent or in your house, you will do very well to have liability insurance.

If you live for rent, the renter's insurance will cover you if you cause damage to the property where you live, and that your landlord will claim you.

You live for rent or in your own home, you need home insurance with liability coverage

If you are the owner, the insurance will cover the damages that your tenants may cause to a third party. Finally, if you are an owner and you live in your own home, the civil liability insurance will cover you against the damages that you may cause to your neighbors, for example, if you leave the taps open.

You should know that neighboring communities also have this insurance in case the damage occurs in the community areas of the house.

3. What do you do?

There are professions that need civil liability insurance to be able to be exercised. This is the case of doctors, dentists, architects; Professions, therefore, that, in short, provide a service to a third party and that, if they go wrong, need protection that protects them.

If you are one of these professionals, you must take out liability insurance

4. Are there animals at home?

If you have a dog, it is good that you have pet insurance or, at least, civil liability insurance that protects you against damage that you may do to third parties; Your home contract may already cover it. It may unintentionally bite a neighbor or break something in the house. It is for these types of mishaps that it is good to have this protection.

If you have a dog, take out liability insurance.

Some breeds, especially dogs, considered in national or regional legislation as potentially dangerous, generate, by the mere possession of the animal, the obligation to have civil liability insurance. In these cases, then, the thing goes from recommended to mandatory.

5. Any hobby that requires being federated?

If you practice a sport that requires being federated, you will have civil liability insurance. There are sports such as football, mountaineering or climbing, athletics, cycling, and even hunting, which need a federation in a club. In the case of hunting, you need a license and compulsory civil liability insurance for your practice.

Whether you like the mountains, football, or hunting, you need civil liability insurance

5 Basic tips to avoid home fires

 The insurance figures allow us to estimate that every day, more than 350 fires of varying importance occur in Spain in insured or uninsured homes. Fire is something that can occur, but what does happen at the present time is that it is difficult for it to occur by mere chance. Most of the time, fire is the result of something we are doing wrong. Therefore, with the experience we have in dealing with the fires suffered by our clients, we present you with five fundamental tips to avoid home fires.

Don't overload the plugs

It is good that you are careful not to overload the plugs. You may be one of those people who is enough with a couple of plugs in the wall, or who are chaining one "thief" after another, as they need to plug things in. Well, no. If you overload the plugs, you're playing the game.

Keep your children away from fire

First of all, if there are any in the house, be careful with small children. Many children are fascinated by fire and like to play with it. For them, then, matches, lighters, kitchen lighters, flammable substances, etc., must be prohibited objects. It is your responsibility to get those things out of their hands.

Be careful with the iron

Although we have just told you that you have to be careful with all appliances that work with heat, there is one that is critical: the iron. The iron differs from the oven or the glass-ceramic in that you can leave it anywhere. Every time you are going to use it, make sure that you provide yourself with a non-flammable surface where you are going to leave the iron on. Also, turn it off when you're not using it; And yes, that includes things like the phone ringing or a knock on the door.

Gas, only when you need it

Go ahead and recover the good habits of your grandmother, who surely turned off the gas when she was not using it. You may be one of those who close it when you leave home but, in reality, the appropriate measure is to close it when you go to sleep. And it would not hurt to include in your routine when you go to bed the habit of checking the stove, oven, toaster, any appliance that works with heat, to make sure they are turned off. If there are small children in the house, the search is mandatory. Don't forget, either, that a gas heater must have a blue flame. If you see it red, you should call an expert.

Goodbye to tobacco

Last but not least, if you are a smoker we assume that your doctor already gives you enough rattle. But, in addition to the fact that it is desirable that you quit, it is much more so that, as long as you don't quit, you refrain from smoking in bed. Shrouded inflammable clothing as you are is certainly not a very good idea.

What does Motorhome insurance Cover?

 For many, traveling with a motorhome is synonymous with freedom. And it's that moving with a four-wheel house allows you to sleep within the most remote place and improvise on your trip without previously brooding about where to book your hotel nights. Exploring southern Portugal by road, taking Route 66 from Chicago to l. a. or touring South America is usually the dream of the many when acquiring these comfortable vehicles. Additionally, these cars are available in all shapes and sizes, from the littlest and simplest to large sort of a truck and opulent sort of a mansion. Their prices also tend to vary tons, however, the only isn't usually sold below 40,000 euros and may reach up to 140,000 euros within the case of the foremost complete.

On the opposite hand, motorhomes are usually related to a bigger public, usually retired, who have a better standard of living and longer to travel. consistent with a study by, the profile of motorhome owners is a mean of fifty years old, they need university studies and an income that ranges between 24,000 and 36,000 euros per annum. The hobby of traveling with a motorhome leads the owners of those vehicles to form quite 6 trips of quite 400 kilometers a year, most of them in Spain. For this reason, it's important that if you travel during this sort of house on wheels you've got good insurance that adapts to the sort of trips you create, with extensive coverage that covers even the littlest detail which will occur on the way.

The insurance of the motorhome works in the same way as that of a car. you would like a Compulsory Civil Liability policy to circulate on the road. additionally, it's various categories like Third Parties or Basic, Extended Third Parties, or All Risk that have various coverage.

To Third Parties Expanded

The Extended Third Party insurance is more complete than the previous one. additionally, including the essential coverage mentioned above, it guarantees protection against other risks like fire or theft, for instance. It also can include explosion, lightning, vandalism, collision or impact of land vehicles, atmospheric phenomena like rain, wind, hail, or snow, and overflowing waters. it's important that these covers are guaranteed when the motorhome is employed as a house when it's parked. In this way, if a fireplace breaks out while cooking inside the parked vehicle, it'll be covered by insurance.

Third-Party Insurance

This type of insurance includes basic coverage for the circulation of the vehicle like Mandatory and Voluntary Civil Liability. Insurance for the driving force, occupants, or travel assistance is additionally included within the event of a breakdown on the road or broken windows.

Expenses originated, clearance and extinction

In addition, it's essential that expenses caused by damages like fire or theft also are covered. for instance, if they enter the caravan and steal, additionally to the objects they need to be stolen, the thieves may have caused damage like burns or glass breakage on the inside and exterior of the vehicle. If the insurance guarantees protection, the insured won't need to spend money to repair them.

On the opposite hand, a flood or fire can end during a disaster and therefore the motorhome could find itself during a mass of debris. If the insured doesn't have a guarantee that also covers the removal costs, the insured would need to pay them out of pocket. additionally to the extinguishing costs, since the hearth fighters could bill you after putting out the fire. However, if both situations were included within the policy, it might be the insurance firm that might assume all the expenses.

Other Motorhome Insurance Guarantees

Keep in mind that a motorhome isn't an easy vehicle, but in many cases, it's sort of a second home on wheels. In it, important and valuable objects for the owners and facilities like a kitchen and toilet are transported. For this reason, it always includes certain extra coverage's like damage to 3rd parties at rest, just when the vehicle is stationary and life is happening inside it.

Full of risk

Normally the All Risk insurance includes all the coverage of the Extended Third Party insurance, plus the own damages that you simply may suffer in your motorhome. This insurance, in turn, is often with excess or without excess. within the first case, an economic limit is established when contracting the policy. If it's not exceeded, all claims that cost but this maximum will need to be assumed by the insured. for instance, if the franchise is 1,000 euros and therefore the car receives an impression that costs 800 euros to repair, it'll need to be assumed by the owner. If it were a better figure, the insured would also pay the 1,000 euros and therefore the company would look out for the remainder. within the case of not having a franchise, all damages, regardless of how small, would be covered.

Legal protection

The insurance may include other sorts of coverage like legal defense, just in case, you would like it thanks to an accident or the payment of the judicial bond that a magistrate may dictate. Legal advice from the corporate is additionally usually included. for instance, this sort of coverage is liable for protecting the owner of the insured motorhome from the complaints that the town council of the town where he parks may impose on him for undue overnight stays or stopping in prohibited places.

Damage caused to 3rd parties at rest

When the motor-home is stationary it is often used as a house. For this reason, even as Home insurance protects against damage caused to 3rd parties with liability coverage, Motor-home insurance also includes it. In this way, if any element of the vehicle falls on top of a pedestrian or camping neighbor or a fireplace causes damage to a different motor-home parked next to the insured, the damages that it causes are going to be covered.

Compare your insurance

 If you're trying to find insurance for your Motor-home, you ought to confirm that it's a policy that adapts to the sort of trips that you simply are getting to make, either abroad or throughout the Spanish geography. additionally, you want to remember the bounds that the insurance firm establishes for every damage since cheap insurance could have very low guarantees and not provide enough security.

Monday, January 4, 2021

How to keep works of art secure ?

 How to keep works of art safe?

Last summer, during an ll|one among|one in every of"> one among the worst nightmares for an art collector occurred in a museum in Taipei (China). A 12-year-old boy was walking among a set of paintings when he tripped and landed on top of a painting by the Italian painter Paolo Porpora. consistent with The Guardian newspaper, the results for the painting, valued at $ 1.3 million, were fatal because it was torn by the impact. The work was destroyed and therefore the event picked up by one of the safety cameras, so it went viral on social networks. Removing the bad time that the kid would undergo, there have been no major consequences for him or for the oldsters, since as explained by the author for the exhibition, Sun Chi-Tuan, the boy wasn't blamed for his act exhibition insurance was responsible for paying for the damage and restoration of the work.

The importance of owning a policy that covers damage to a piece of art is obvious in these sorts of situations. Having insurance avoided a millionaire claim. Therefore, albeit you simply have one or more pieces of art in your home and that they are never exhibited in any museum, it's a priority that they're protected. An unintentional fall while you're cleaning your house thoroughly or the clumsiness of a young child can have fatal consequences for the valuable object that you simply confine your house. However, if the piece goes to be exhibited during a room or gallery, you'll get to remove a policy. In both cases, you'll remove insurance for Works of Art, which protects the work of art against any eventuality it's going to suffer.

What conditions exist?

When it involves ensuring the work of art, the insurance firm will presumably ask you for the certificate of authenticity of the piece. additionally, to calculate the premium, they will also ask you for the title of the work, author, owner, beneficiary, measurements, value, or location.

On the opposite hand, the insurance firm may require that the place where the piece is to be stored has certain security measures like an armored door, an alarm with a central surveillance connection, a fireplace extinguisher, or maybe bars on all its windows. In this way, within the event of a possible loss, the piece would have more security and it might be difficult for it to be damaged. additionally, if the work goes to travel outside the house during which it's stored and goes to be exhibited during a gallery, the insurer will probably want to understand other information like the transport company which will be responsible for moving it. additionally, it'll also invite the route that it'll take, place of collection and return, and time that it's to remain within the new destination.

What are often insured?

Although it depends on the insurance firm with which you contract the policy, any object that's considered a piece of art is often insured. Within this consideration are pictures, paintings, antique furniture, tapestries, sculptures, or maybe engravings, among other objects. Of course, you've got to require under consideration that the insurance firm will assess the work before completing the insurance. Its value is going to be determined by its market value or other circumstances like its author, time, or technique. For this, the businesses use expert appraisers who are those who will value it and appraise it at its real value to determine the premium to be paid and therefore the compensation to be received if a claim occurs.

What sorts of insurance are often contracted?

Depending on whether the works of art that you simply own are getting to leave home to be exhibited in museums or galleries or, on the contrary, they're getting to remain reception, there are different types of insurance, the foremost contracted are:

Comprehensive insurance

This policy is liable for protecting the work from possible accidents caused by third parties. Usually, it always includes coverage like theft or physical damage.

Nail-to-nail safe

This type of insurance is meant for works of art that are moved from one place to a different and are exhibited in galleries on an itinerant basis. Specifically, it's responsible for protecting and guaranteeing the right maintenance of the thing from the time the work is ready for moving it until the exhibition is dismantled and returned to its usual place. In short, the policy protects the transport from the standard place, the stay, and therefore the packing and unpacking process.

Coverages to think about

There are different types of coverage in specialized art insurance, which usually vary from one company to a different one. you ought to check out them before hiring the insurance:

-English clauses: they protect the work of art in both land and sea transport and insure it against different weather, also as strikes or war conflicts.

-Artistic depreciation: this guarantee covers the artistic depreciation that the work may suffer within the event of a claim contemplated within the policy. for instance, if the painting loses its value thanks to damage, the owner would receive compensation.

-Rebuy option: in casework is stolen and therefore the insurance firm assumes the compensation, with this coverage the owner will have the choice to shop for it again if it appears.

-Stripping: This coverage protects the whole work. for instance, some pieces are made from multiple objects, like art tableware. If any were damaged, the insurer would guarantee compensation for the piece that suffered the damage.

-Frames: repeatedly the frames during which a piece of art is found also are considered of high value and constitute a real piece of expertise. For this reason, some insurers guarantee the replacement of frames that are damaged accidentally and look out for their repair. an equivalent happens with the crystals, if they're damaged, the corporate will replace them.

-Terrorism: most insurers are liable for covering the damage that works of art may suffer as a result of a surprise attack.


You should concentrate because not all policies include damages derived from poor conservation of the work, like natural wear, aging, gradual deterioration, mold or oxidation, pollution or contamination. Furthermore, improper packaging can also cause damage

Insurance for Your Toy collection

 Insurance for toy collectors

There are collections of all kinds: stamps, miniatures, art, comics, and even old toys, which are normally kept in special rooms in order that no loss occurs that devalues them. And is that this sort of object can have an excellent sentimental and value, especially if they're kept in optimal conditions or in their original packaging. Bettina Dorfmann, the lady who holds the title of owning the most important collection of Barbie dolls within the world, keeps one that's valued at 10,000 euros. The toy in question may be a very old model from 1959, almost impossible to seek out today. In total, the collector, who also features a hospital to repair broken dolls, features a total of 15,000 Barbies. On the opposite hand, Brett Martin, considered the most important collector of famous computer game toys, holds a Guinness record for it. In total, it has 8,030 dolls and stuffed animals valued between $ 75,000 and $ 100,000.

To protect their toys, these sorts of collectors usually remove specialized all-risk insurance that's liable for covering any sort of loss which will occur to them. However, you do not need to have an outsized collection valued at thousands of euros to require a policy. The comics that you simply keep from your childhood or the well-preserved Scalextric that you still have reception can have great sentimental and value. For this reason, it's convenient that additionally to providing security to your collections, you protect them through insurance for Toy Collectors.

What do you have to confine your mind?

When choosing your insurance you ought to review the conditions of the policy and skim the fine print. In this way, you'll avoid having uncomfortable surprises if a claim finally occurs. First, you've got to form sure that the sort of insurance you're getting to hire has specific conditions for the sort of collection you've got . for instance, if you're handling multiple porcelain dolls, confirm your damage coverage takes care of if just one of the toys falls and shatters. On the opposite hand, it's vital that you simply confirm that the entire insured sum features a maximum that's liable for covering your entire collection.

In addition, you'll exhibit your collection in museums and galleries. If this is often your case, it's recommended that you simply remove insurance that protects the pieces from the instant they leave your house until they return, with an insurance modality called "nail to nail". With this sort of policy, you make sure the collection within the different processes that it goes through, from packaging, transport, while it's exposed or unpacked.

What does the All Risk insurance include?

Generally, comprehensive insurance for collectors covers an outsized number of claims, like theft, loss, or damage which will be suffered by fire. However, coverage varies from one insurer to a different one. What most companies tend to agree on is setting an economic limit when insuring an object, which may vary counting on the worth of the gathering and therefore the number of insured objects. to try to do this, the insurer may make an appraisal of the gathering you would like to possess by experts within the field. Taking under consideration certain criteria like the worth of the pieces within the market, their age, and verifying their authenticity, the corporate will decide the worth that it's insured. Once you've got established the quantity that it's insured, you want to confirm that just in case the piece suffers an accident, it's fully protected.

Insurance coverage for Workshops and Dealers

 Coverage for Dealers and Workshops

Have you ever gone to a dealership and tried one among the cars they sell? If so, you've probably wondered what would happen if you suffered an accident or breakdown. the likelihood of getting to buy damages that will be caused by a claim may have crossed your mind and created some insecurity when driving the car. However, you are doing not need to worry once you get into a vehicle of those characteristics. Whatever happens, you'll be covered if the workshop or dealer has the tester's guarantee on their insurance, which protects you in the event of an accident.

What is the car tester warranty?

This warranty protects all damage which will be caused to 3rd parties by testing vehicles from a dealer or workshop, also as damage to the car while the test lasts. Normally this coverage is included within the insurance for motorcycle and car dealerships and workshops. Among other things, it covers the demonstration routes of the dealer's used vehicles and even those between sales centers and therefore the workshop for maintenance-related issues. additionally, within the same policy, the workers of the dealer or the customer who wants to check the car are often insured as drivers, as long because it is amid an insured worker from the dealer. Compulsory civil liability, voluntary CR, and legal defense also are normally included as guarantees.

RC post-repair work

Post-work Civil Liability included within the insurance for Dealers and Workshops protects workers from damages that will arise from a defective repair of a vehicle. Normally, a maximum of your time covered by this CR is established, which may be several months from the date the arrangement was made. In this way, if the owner of a car changed the wheels in March and suffers an accident in August thanks to a nasty arrangement, the worker who administered the work would be protected by the Civil Liability of the third party claim of the client.

Other sorts of coverage

Other sorts of guarantees which will be included in car workshop policies are RC post-repair work, trusted objects, work outside the workshop, fire and damage, theft, or theft.

RC trusting objects

When a vehicle breaks down, it sometimes stays a couple of days within the mechanic's workshop expecting a neighborhood ordered or because it takes several days to repair it. During that point, anything can happen from a flood to a lightning strike. Therefore, some businesses plan to include in their insurance the RC of trusted objects. With this coverage, the workers and owners of the workshop are shielded from third-party claims for material damage that will be suffered by the products that the purchasers entrust to them for repair or transformation. If an accident occurs, the insurance will cover the compensation for the user whose car has weakened.

Fire, damage, theft, or robbery

Like a commercial policy, workshops also can have guarantees in their policy that protect the business from accidents like fire, theft, theft, or damage. during this way, if one among these accidents occurs, the owner of the workshop or dealer will receive compensation for the damages after the accident.

Work outside the workshop

This coverage is responsible for covering the damages produced to 3rd parties during the repairs and work administered outside the insured workshop, like other premises, the client's house, or the road.

Insurance for best lifeguards

 Civil insurance for lifeguards

With the primary heat of summer, the season of swimming pools and beaches begins, places to which bathers flock to deal with the high temperatures and heatwaves. And it's that when the mercury of the thermometers rises, there's no coast or pool that doesn't appear on the tv screen filled with people that declare before the camera how comfortable they're sunbathing on the seashore. However, although each day within the water is often tons of fun, we must not ditch safety, since it's not without certain risks.

According to a study administered by Fundacion MAPFRE within its 2016 Drowning Prevention campaign, a mean of 480 people die annually from drowning. Although the figure has dropped by 12% within the last 5 years, 4,800 people died within the past decade. Of all the deaths, 1,800 people lost their lives in swimming pools and natural spaces. For its part, the planet Health Organization has already warned that drownings and other life-threatening events within the aquatic-marine environment today have a weight almost like diseases like diarrhea and measles within the 70s and 80s.

When it involves preventing drowning, the important role of first responders is worth noting. consistent with the MAPFRE study, in additional than 50% of drowning cases, lifeguards are those who give the warning, something that shows "good preventive surveillance work." Furthermore, in 86% of the cases, it had been the lifeguards who intervened within the first place "demonstrating the positive of getting a lifeguard service in aquatic spaces". However, 35% of the incidents weren't witnessed directly by the rescuer, something that's of important importance, since when there's a life-threatening incident it's essential to detect it as soon as possible to start out resuscitation maneuvers.

What coverage does it include?

The RC insurance for lifeguards protects the insured against claims from third parties who have suffered damage to the pool under their supervision. This includes damage to people, objects, or maybe the behavior of the users of the enclosure since sometimes the lifeguard is alone within the pool and must monitor the whole perimeter. additionally, some insurers include other damages that will be caused by extra functions of the lifeguard like the dosage of chlorine. An example of this was the famous video of the lifeguard who became famous for "making it brown" and mixing toxic products. If a drag occurs thanks to this and therefore the pool has got to be vacated, the corporate will cover the negligence, as long because it is picked up in its condition.

Why remove an RC insurance?

Faced with the likelihood of committing a person's error while working, lifeguards usually remove Civil insurance to guard themselves against claims from third parties, since if they cause damage to a 3rd party while guarding the pool, compensation might be unaffordable for them. With the hiring of the policy, they create sure that the insurer is responsible for covering it economically.

On the opposite hand, if the lifeguard doesn't have contracted insurance, it's usually the neighborhood communities or the general public administration (if it's a municipal swimming pool) that's liable for contracting the insurance. this happens because when faced with the look for responsibility for negligence that occurred on the premises under the supervision of the lifeguard, the government building or the neighborhood community are often condemned as a subsidiary responsible.

What requirements are needed to fulfill?

When signing the insurance, the insurer will probably ask you surely supporting documents as knowledgeable. These are often the Certificate of Professionalism, which is obtained after taking an approved course within the Autonomous Community during which the lifeguard is found. These courses are valid throughout the ECU Union, in order that they are often accredited in several member countries. additionally, some Autonomous Communities like Madrid require that the lifeguard be included during a Lifeguard Registry.

The insurance most demanded by the celebrities

 Some actors and actresses have very identifying features like the nose, mouth, eyes, and even legs. Famous physical attributes that if damaged could cause you to lose large sums of cash. For this reason, many celebrities plan to insure those parts of their body. for instance, Jennifer Aniston, whose long hair became famous within the 1990s because of her role as Rachel on the series Friends, decided to make sure her hair for a whopping $ 1.5 million. For her part, Linda Evans, the actress of the series Dynasty, also decided to place a high price on her haircut: $ 500,000.

In addition, the actors travel from one place to a different counting on where the filming location is found, which sometimes occurs on several continents. But not only do they travel frequently, but they also perform scenes during which they will be injured. for instance, Sylvester Stallone put his life in peril during the recording of Rocky IV. While shooting a fight scene, the actor asked the opposite performer, Dolph Lundgren, to possess a legitimate fight to offer it more realism. In it, he suffered a blow that broke his sternum and left him in medical care for several days.

Most insured parts

One of the foremost insured parts of the body by Hollywood actresses within the butt. Jennifer Lopez insured her buttocks for 4.5 million euros while Kylie Minogue covered them for 3.4 million. The chest is additionally one of the foremost insured "goods" among celebrities. for instance, Samantha Fox covered her risks for $ 500,000, while one among the foremost famous Baywatch of all time, Pamela Anderson, insured herself for several million dollars.

Safe to guard the body

Insurance to guard parts of the body is typically a really exclusive product offered by some famous insurers like Lloyd's, known for taking care of very complex risks.

And you'll make certain of everything, even Angelina Jolie came to hide her lips, one among the foremost characteristic features of the American interpreter. While Liz Taylor insured her iconic violet eyes for 1,000,000 dollars. Famous actor and choreographer Astaire came to guard his legs for nothing more and zip but $ 300,000 of the time and Bo Derek protected his entire body within the 80s for 1,000,000 dollars.

CR insurance for companies

On the opposite hand, there also are insurers that insure the civil liability of entire theater, musical, or maybe dance companies. during this way, if a loss occurs during a performance or rehearsal that affects the general public, actors, workers, or premises, it might be covered by the policy. Most of them cover the premises thanks to an explosion or fire.

Accident, disability, and death insurance

Before starting a play, film, or short, many actors and actresses plan to remove accident insurance against any unforeseen event which will cause damage, disability, and even death. this sort of policy insures the death and permanent disability thanks to accidents of actresses and actors 24 hours each day, during their professional activity like travel, accidents during rehearsals or in performances and recordings.


 In the insurance coverage world, this year 2020 we are celebrating our anniversary. Absolutely nothing less than 40 years complies with the Insurance coverage Contract Law (LCS); the legal text that, as its name suggests, regulates and governs the contractual relationships by which the insurance company undertakes to assume threats to which its customer is subjected. It is hard for a law to reach that many years. Our Penal Code, without going any further, is 15 years more youthful.

And it is not easy, particularly thinking about the enormous reality that falls on the backs of this LCS. Between something and another, in Spain, if somebody handled to collect all the insurance agreements out there and put them one on top of the other, they could collect a mountain of paper of about 150 floorings. A height is quite comparable to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the highest building on the planet.

In Spain, in effect, there have to do with 26 million automobile insurance coverage agreements, which insure about 32 million automobiles; or more than 5 million health insurance agreements, insuring more than 10 million individuals. Half of the Spanish population appears with their name and surname in one of the 9.4 million death insurance coverage agreements. Some 6 million travel help contracts, 2 million civil liability contracts, 285,000 freight transportation agreements are signed each year ... There is an option.

In Spain, in fact, there are, more or less, some 125 million insurance contracts. Only in private life insurance, there have to do with 23.5 million agreements; if you had to sign at the bottom of every one of them, you would be composing for 7.5 years. However, a young boy, if you think that with that everything is said which you can rest your hand, behind would come the insurance contracts besides life, which are a couple of more: only 100 countless nothing.

Does that law have challenges? It does, obviously. The main one, adapting to the times of digital relationships and new forms of insurance coverage. The world is changing, insurance coverage should alter with it and, as insurance modifications, it is needed that its contract law likewise changes, so that in this way it does not function as a brake on innovation. This, however, is not brand-new. Insurance coverage deals with the difficulties of digitization today. However before, it dealt with other difficulties, such as telephone relations, and was able to adjust to them due to the fact that it had a regulative environment that, while in need of adjustments, is at its core strong and constant. For that reason, we hope that our veteran Contract Law understands, as soon as again, to invigorate itself.

All these relationships are regulated by a law that has 40 years of performance behind it. Efficiency is shown by the low level of litigation generated by the insurance coverage, compared to the huge volume of agreements.
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